Exploring Joara
Native American Towns and Early European Contact in the Western North Carolina Piedmont

David G. Moore, Ph.D.
Robin A. Beck, Ph.D.
Christopher B. Rodning, Ph.D.

Related Publications
Beck, Robin A., Jr.
1997 From Joara to Chiaha: Spanish Exploration of the Appalachian Summit Area, 1540–1568. Southeastern Archaeology 16:162–169.

Beck, Robin A., Jr.
2003 Consolidation and Hierarchy: Chiefdom Variability in the Mississippian Southeast. American Antiquity 68:641–661.

Beck, Robin A., Jr., and David G. Moore
2002 The Burke Phase: Mississippian Chiefdoms in the Upper Catawba Valley, North Carolina. Southeastern Archaeology 21:192-205.

Beck, Robin A., Jr., David G. Moore, and Christopher B. Rodning
2006 Identifying Fort San Juan: A Sixteenth-Century Spanish Occupation at the Berry Site, North Carolina. Southeastern Archaeology 25:65-77.

Moore, David G.
2002 Catawba Valley Mississippian: Ceramics, Chronology, and Catawba Indians. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Moore, David G., Robin A. Beck, Jr., and Christopher B. Rodning
2004 Joara and Fort San Juan: Culture Contact at the Edge of the World. Antiquity 78(299).

Moore, David G., Robin A. Beck, Jr., and Christopher B. Rodning
2005 Afterword: Pardo, Joara, and Fort San Juan Revisited. In The Juan Pardo Expeditions: Explorations of the Carolinas and Tennessee, 1566-1568 (1990), by Charles M. Hudson, pp. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Conference Presentations
Beck, Robin A., Jr.
1996 Title. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle, Washington.

Beck, Robin A., Jr.
2002 What is Fort San Juan? Paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi.

Beck, Robin A., Jr., and Caroline V. Ketron
2003 Title. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Beck, Robin A., Jr., and David G. Moore
2000 Title. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Macon, Georgia.

Beck, Robin A., Jr., David G. Moore, and Christopher B. Rodning
2003 Spanish Expeditions and the Native Chiefdoms of the Upper Catawba Valley in Western North Carolina. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Beck, Robin A., Jr., David G. Moore, and Christopher B. Rodning
2004 Spanish Expeditions and the Native Chiefdoms of the Upper Catawba Valley in Western North Carolina. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Best, Megan S., and Christopher B. Rodning
2003 Mississippian Chiefdoms and the Spanish Frontier: An Overview of Recent Excavations at the Berry Site in Western North Carolina. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Hargrove, Thomas, and Robin A. Beck Jr.
2001 Magnetometer and Auger Testing at the Berry Site, Burke County, North Carolina. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Moore, David G.
1987 Title. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, .

Moore, David G.
1997 Title. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Moore, David G.
2003 Title. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Moore, David G., and Robin A. Beck, Jr.
1994 Title. Paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Lexington, Kentucky.

Moore, David G., and Christopher B. Rodning
2001 In Search of Buried Buildings at the Berry Site. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Moore, David G., Robin A. Beck, Jr., and Christopher B. Rodning
2004 Exploring Joara and Fort San Juan: Continuing Excavations at the Berry Site in Western North Carolina. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Saint Louis, Missouri.

Rodning, Christopher B., David G. Moore, and Robin A. Beck, Jr.
2002 Berry Site Excavations 2002: The Search for Fort San Juan. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi.

Chris Rodning 30 April 2010 Tulane University