Text: Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Third Edition. Also recommended: Panofsky and Phillips, Good and Nelson, and F. Low's Classical Field Theory, which includes graviation.

Problem Assignments

Chapter 1. Problems 1,3,6,7,10. Due Sept. 30.

Chapter 2. Problems 1,2,3,7,13,23. Due Oct. Oct. 9

Chapter 3. Problems 1,2,3,5,7,12. Due Oct. 21.

Take-home Mid-term, approximately Oct. 30.

Chapter 4. Problems 1,3,6,7,10. Due Nov. 6

Chapter 5. Problems 3,6,10,13. Due Nov. 25.

Chapter 6. Problems 4,7,8... Due by Final Exam.

I am perfectly comfortable with anyone wanting to go through Chapters 1-6 at an accelerated pace. If you choose to do that, be sure to consult with me. We can meet from time to time to talk about points that may not be obvious. Do remember, however, that 723/724 are "core" courses which form an important part of the qualifying exam.