Русский язык 102

Урок 6.4


Grammar (please read the corresponding paragraphs):


1. Нет, нЕ было, нЕ будет (267).

Кати сегодня не будет на уроке. Cathy today will not be in class.

У меня не было стола, не было воды в квартире. I didn't have a desk and didn't have water in my apartment.


2. Нужно (268).

У нас всё, что нужно. We have everything we need.

Мне очень нужен муж. I need a husband very much. (this is NOT acceptable in feminist theory, I apologize).

Тебе нужна богатая жена. You need a rich wife. (Worse.)

Тебе нужны новая машина и деньги. You need a new car and money.


3. Надо / не надо. 269.

Не надо играть громко. Don't play loudly.

Уже не надо покупать стол. Now we don't have to buy a desk.

Хотите хорошие отметки, надо много заниматься. If you want good grades, you have to study a lot.


4. Short form adjectives (270).

Я должен идти. I must go.

Ваш сын на фотографии очень похож на вас. Your son in the photograph looks very much like you.

Я рада, что вы любите мою музыку. I'm glad you like my music.

Вы уверены, что папа уже дома? Are you sure that father is already home?


5. Discourse adverbs (271).

кстати by the way

прежде всего first of all

кроме того besides


For Monday, January 26


Look at the five grammar topics. Then read the text, 266 (also found on your textbook tape). Look at it carefully, it is excellent. Please write out (some) complete Russian textual examples that you can find in Tania's diary of

1) Gen with negative existence in the past

2) нужно

3) не надо in the meaning 'it is not necessary'

4) short adjectives

5) discourse adverbs

6) examples of inverted word order


I apologize for the execrable drawing of dear Tania, pictured here like a cretin.


Please do exer. 1, p. 267.


Learn vocab and phrases:


всё, что нужно

everything we need




it is true


converse, chat



слЫшать слЫшу слЫшишь слЫшат


стоЯть стоЮ стоИшь стоЯт


нет места для стола

there is no room for a desk

писать я могу и на рояле

I can write on the piano too

а играть на столе я не могу

but I can't play on the desk

снимать комнату

rent a room (tenant's p. v.)

сдавать комнату

rent out a room (landlord's p.v.)

очень нравится

we like it very much



мы пьём чай

we drink tea





как насчёт новоселья?

what about a housewarming?


definitely, for sure


for Tuesday, January 27


Please write for submission workbook exer. 6.4 on

(1) gen. with neg existence, past/future Б В Г

(2) нУжен, нУжно, нужнА, нужнЫ Д

(3) не надо (both meanings) Е

(4) должен (etc) ж


Please translate:


1. Tania has everything she needs.

2. Don't play so loudly!

3. We'll be sure to have a housewarming.

4. I can drink (пить) at home, too, but I can't work at the Boot.

5. There wasn't a desk, that's true.

6. We're sitting in the kitchen and chatting and suddenly we hear Sasha on the landing.

7. In a minute the table's in [say: is standing] our room!!

8. Tat'iana's son looks very much like her.

9. I'm glad you are here.




For Wednesday, 28 Jan.


Please do the charming exercise з, then и к м and н. Fun with grammar p. 239 if you like, though it doesn't look like much fun to me.


Complete your study of 6.4 with a review of the vocabulary listed above. Prepare for a written quiz on Friday (after a question period for review) on vocab and the grammatical topics, possibly also the excellent text on p. 266, wonderfully good Russian here.


Then consider the video (7.1) of a spectacular visit of Sasha to Tania and Sveta's new room (with the стол, which to my mind is rather a disappointment. Это стол!?)


Vocabulary from the video:



come in (to a knock on closed door)


come in (to a person standing at the open door)


come in (through the hallway into our room)

удобный, удобно

convenient, comfortable

понедельник, в понедельник

Monday, on Monday

вторник, во вторник


средА, в срЕду


четверг, в четверг


пятница, в пятницу


субботав субботу


воскресенье, в воскресенье


как поживаете?

how are you doing?

учИть - Учат

learn, study, memorize (+ acc)

вЫучить - вЫучат (P) (cf. учиться 'be enrolled in)

learn (completely), finish learning

словo  (pl. словА)



on the right


on the left


study, hit the books



учиться учатся

be enrolled in school, be a student

закОнчить - закОнчат (P)

complete, finish (+ acc)


in the evening


in the morning


in the afternoon


in the night

занятия (n. pl.)


быть - будут

will be (бУду бУдешь бУдет бУдем бУдете бУдут)

пригласИть - пригласЯт (P)

invite (+ acc)




Friday, January 30. Quiz (see above) and intro to 7.0. Please check out the video ahead of time so we can work with it.