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Taking the Dan Examination
T. Mikami

After each Dan examination, I get questions and complaints from people who did not pass. They want to know why they did not pass. While each case is different, there are some things I can say that apply to all.

First, you must train consistently. Master Funakoshi had a saying that, “Training karate is like boiling water, you must apply heat constantly or else it will grow cold.” That also means you must build up, you must take your time to get to the proper level. Many times I see people test and I can tell that they have not been training long enough. It is very apparent.

Second, each person must study him or herself and find out what is wrong with their technique. Just going to class and doing what your instructor says is not enough. You must pay attention to what you are doing. You must concentrate on your technique and constantly try to improve it. Find your weakness and work to eliminate it.

Third, you must push yourself. This is especially true for older people. It is easy to do things when you are young and flexible. When you are older, you must constantly strive for correct movement and form. Do not concern yourself with speed and power; concentrate on doing each move perfectly.

Fourth, remember that all us have different abilities. Some progress quicker than others do. The important thing is your own effort to improve. Even if it takes a long time, you must never give up. This is something that applies to everything you do in life.

From the All-South Karate Federation Newsletter
Vol. VIII, No. 2 - June, 1991



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