Tulane Deepwater Basin

2011 Experiment on submarine levee
growth via channelized Turbidity Currents
Tulane Deepwater Basin: This basin has approximate dimensions of 2.2 m deep, 6 m long, and 4 m wide. The depth of the basin is great enough to conduct experiments focused on both delta construction under conditions of varying base-level and deep-water/continental slope fan construction. This depth and width are also great enough to construct delta/fan deposits thick enough to investigate stratigraphic architecture with minimal boundary-effects imposed by the basin walls. The basin has the option of two methods for delivering water and sediment to the basin. 1) An ocean control system that controls water discharge rates into the basin in addition to providing millimeter base-level resolution via a motorized weir in hydraulic communication to the basin. Sediment is delivered to the basin via a Schenck AccuRate sediment feeder. Base-level, sediment feed, and water feed to the basin are controlled through a computer interface. 2) A constant head tank system fed from a 2500 L reservoir mixing tank via a centrifugal pump. An XYZ data collection carriage mounted on the basin houses a Keyence long distance reflective laser sensor and data logger. This system allows us to monitor the topography of the evolving sediment surface and collect topographic maps with grid spacing as low as 2 mm grids and a vertical resolution of 0.1 mm. Topography can also be collected in the basin utilizing a 35-MHz ultrasonic transducer connected to a JSR pulse-receiver box. The transducer system allows for the collection of topography in high turbidity conditions. In addition, the measurement carriage allows for the positioning of various additional probes housed in the sediment dynamics lab. These currently include 2 Nortek ADV’s and a Nortek PCADP. A second manually positioned carriage on the basin allows us to position instruments, such as siphon racks, during experiments.

Learn more about the cart system

See images of the Deepwater Basin Construction

Deepwater Basin Photos

2011 & 2012 Experiments on Hydraulic Fractionation in Turbidity Currents

2011 Experiments on Levee Growth via Turbidity Currents

Deepwater Basin Ocean Control System