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The Newsletter of the Health Sciences OCLC Users' Group

Proceedings of HSOCLCUG Annual Meeting Oct. 22-24, 1999

Saturday, October 23, 1999
MeSH Authority Control
Presenters: Janifer Meldrum, MARCIVE; Mark Roux, CyberTools, Inc.; Rebecca Dean, Manager of the Authority Control Section at OCLC

MeSH or MeSS??
OCLC Authority Control Suite

Rebecca Dean
Manager of the Authority Control Section at OCLC

OCLC supports ACS the OCLC Authority Control services and OCLC/WLN MARS.

The goals of authority control are a) to provide efficient and effective pathways through a catalog's resources and b) to help libraries reduce the cost of authority control while simultaneously helping patrons use library catalogs more effectively.

The benefits of authority control are a) free valuable staff time, b) produce a consistent, effective catalog for patrons and staff and c) to improve access to a library's collection.

New Cataloging Changes

Main headings are still qualified by geographic, language, form and topical subdivisions.

Geographic subdivisions can be added to any main heading or main and topical subdivision. They can be added even if an annotation is not present..

Language subdivisions can be used only in combination with specific publication types: Dictionary, Encyclopedias, Phrases, Terminology.

Form subdivisions fall into five categories and one exception. The categories are a) simple replacement, b) obsolete being replaced, c) obsolete being dropped, d) replaced by a main heading, e) replaced by main heading plus $v coordination, and the exception, which is Case Report.

Form subdivision exception, previous form used as a check tag: $v case studies is replaced by "Case Report" as a PT in 650 $v

Topical subdivisions: Changes involve the age groups, pregnancy and new subdivisions. also legislation & jurisprudence and statistics and numerical data.

Current Cataloging Environment

There is a machine readable authority file and printed instructions (1999) and the newly issued bibliographic records and practice (in 2000).

Implementation Overview

Implementation status: Forms

pre-1999 Practice 2000 Practice ACS StatusM MARS Status
Library Science $v abbreviations Library Science $v Abbreviations implemented implemented
Naturopathy $v dictionaries Naturopathy $v Dictionary implemented implemented
Animal Diseases $v nomenclature Animal Diseases $v Terminology partially implemented implemented
Religion and Science $v legends Religion and Science $v ? implemented implemented
Chemistry $v congresses $v directories Chemistry $v ? implemented implemented
Surgery, Plastic $v filmstrips Surgery, Plastic Audiovisual Aids implemented scheduled enhancement
Zoonoses $v audiotape catalogs Zoonoses $v Catalogs Audiovisual Aids $v Catalogs under investigation scheduled enhancement
Psychotherapy, Group $v case studies Psychotherapy, Group $v Case Report implemented implemented

Implementation status: Topicals

Pre-1999 Practice 2000 Practice ACS Status MARS Status
Communication $x in infancy & childhood Communication $x Infant
Communication $x Child

Communication $x Child, Preschool
under investigation scheduled enhancement
Bed Rest $x in pregnancy Bed Rest $x Pregnancy implemented implemented
CATALOG: do not use: for indexers only; use form qualif /legislation or /statistics if applicable $x legislation & jurisprudence $x statistics & numerical data implemented under investigation

Headings processed & authority records delivered

Process MeSH headings from bibliographic records, tagged 650 X X
Process MeSH headings from bibliographic records, tagged 651 No X
Supply Descriptor authority records (D) X X
Supply Descriptor and qualifier authority records (DQ) X X
Supply Qualifier authority records (Q) No No

Current Services


Start of Message

The Newsletter of the Health Sciences OCLC Users' Group

Start of Message is the newsletter of the Health Sciences OCLC Users' Group, an independent group composed of health sciences libraries and individuals who either use or are interested in the use of the services of OCLC, Inc. in health sciences libraries.

Cindy Fedders
Washington University School of Medicine Library
(Box 8132) 660 S. Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 362-2784
FAX (314) 362-0190



Page created 21 July 2000