The true colors of Tulane University

From me to you:

Hello and welcome to The Messenger! We've had a lot of ups and downs since our inception 2 years ago, but this is definitely one of the high points!

What we're all about: The Messenger is Tulane's Multicultural Newspaper, as well as Tulane's latest student publication. We seek to provide an alternative opinion from an alternative perspective. Our target audience is the multicultural community and its organizations.

Thanks: to everyone who made The Messenger (in print and online) possible. To the staff who stood by us steadfastly despite having no product for over a year and a half, and to the staff who joined during those troubled times. Thanks especially to our advisor, Tel, who we'd be lost without. Thanks to everyone who has supported us in any way, from buying products at our bake sales to just asking about our progress. Your interest and support is what makes this worthwile.

Sydnee Logan

About the Messenger ...