Member Registration

请在网上免费注册成为TCSSA的会员! 为了有一份更加清晰的TCSSA的会员名单, 委员会开会决定需要网上会员注册。


上TCSSA 官网 (,在左侧点击免费会员注册,填写表格注册。请注意活动当天我们的注册闸门将会被关闭,在活动后我们才会将闸门打开, 直到下一次活动时, 再将闸门关闭,活动后再打开,以此类推。(第一次关闭注册闸门的大型活动还未定,到时候通知大家)
1. 免费参加所有TCSSA 举办的大型活动比如中秋节晚会,春节晚会等。这些晚会提供食物和饮料。
2. 每费参加TCSSA 举办的竞赛类的活动比如卡拉ok比赛, 体育比赛,电子竞技赛等。
3. 可以收到别人在mailing list 里发的信息 (比如住房信息,出售等消息)。这可是最佳找到有用信息的途经哦。
4. 小型活动中的票有折扣价 (小型活动包括:单身派对,万圣节派对等等)
5. 参加TCSSA组织的校外活动时有权享受免费大车的接送
我们是一个大家庭,你们是TCSSA存在的原因。 非常感谢你们的理解和合作。
TCSSA 7.1. 2010


TCSSA Membership Registration is open now!!
In order to have a better membership system, TCSSA has decided to have free online registration from today. What you need to do is to get on TCSSA official website (, click Free membership Registration on the left side and register. Please notice that we will close the online gate to register on the date of the event (the event when we will close the gate has not been determined yet, but we will inform you later) , we will open the gate again after the event, then close again in the other event and so on.
1. Free entrance to Spring Festival Parties, Mid-Autumn Festival Parties etc., Food and drink will be provided!
2. Free participation of all competitive activities held by TCSSA, such as Karaoke Contest, sports events and field trips and so on. Many opportunities to win gifts!
3. Can receive the summary news (housing, sales etc.,) periodically. The best way to find roommates and to do move-out sales!
4. Special discounts in TCSSA small events such as Bachelor Party etc.,
5. Free vent driving to have TCSSA organized off-campus events.
We are a family and TCSSA is responsible for serving our Chinese students community. Thank you for your corporation.
7.1. 2010
