Corporate Bodies in Bibliographic Records:   Notes on Appropriate Placement

Document sections

Introduction Multiple roles and multiple levels
General approach


This document is a brief, informal introductory guide on:

It is intended primarily for original cataloguing, as a practical guide to clarify the application of AACR2/LCRI Chapter 21 and to supplement it with additional examples.

For more detailed and authoritative information, consult AACR2/LCRI Chapter 21, particularly 21.1B1-2, 21.4B, 21.6-21.7, 21.29, and 21.30 A-C, E-F, and H.  If you have any questions, ask your trainer.

(Please note:  The examples below are imaginary, for illustrative purposes.)

General approach

Corporate bodies -- named collective entities -- can play one or more roles in relationship to the work or the edition (or, in FRBR terms, the manifestation) being catalogued.  It is helpful:

  1. to determine the role of the corporate body


  2. to decide the appropriate location or locations in the bib record for the body to appear.

Roughly in order of increasing involvement:

RoleExplanation and examplesLocation in bib record
SponsorProvides financial support and/or lends name to a projectGenerally does not need to be in record
    (if stressed on t.p., optional quoted note)
E.g.,  “Published with the generous support of ...”
E.g.,  “Funded by a grant provided by ...”
E.g., a group of logos on t.p. or cover,
representing several foundations and government agencies,
with no indication in the preliminaries or pref. that
these bodies were involved in preparing any content;
a publication firm's name is listed on t.p and t.p. verso
PublisherAccepts for publication; reviews manuscript;
arranges printing, marketing, distributing, etc
Responsibility for contribution to contentContributes, organises, or formally approves content;
owns materials or organises events represented by content
1.  in body of record:  often 245 or 5XX;
      sometimes just 260
2.  Access point (heading): 110, 111, 710, or 711
E.g.  Conducts group project: committee research,
compiles collection of academic papers, etc.
E.g.  Organises and/or hosts conference, exhibition, etc.
E.g.  Is a named conference
E.g.  Issues a report about its activities
E.g.  Commissions (or contracts out) and formally approves the
findings of a study

If a body falls into the third category -- responsibility for contribution to content:  AACR2r/LCRI 21.1B should be applied to decide whether it should be given:

Some points to note:

Multiple roles and multiple levels

It is common for corporate bodies to play more than one role, particularly both publishing and contributing to the content.

Where hierarchies are involved -- multiple levels of the same corporate body -- you may also need to decide which level of a body is responsible for each role.

For example:

On the other hand:

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Draft, 24 March 2009; rev. draft 27 October 2009, 2 November 2009

HTML document last reviewed:  3 November 2009