Foreign-Language Terms for Edition and Printing

This document is intended as a supplement to our fuller documents, "Editions and Printings" and the Checklist for Matching Editions"].  Please consult these documents for additional information on how the information in these tables should be applied.

Document sections

1.Ambiguous terms for "edition and printing"
2.Terms indicating revision
3.Terms for "printing" or unchanged text

1. Ambiguous terms for "edition" and "printing"

LanguageTermAbbreviation LanguageTermAbbreviation
Czechotiskot. Latineditioed.
vydánívyd. Polishnakladnakl.
Dutchuitgaveuitg. wydaniewyd.
Frenchéditionéd. Portugueseediçãoed.
GermanAuflageAufl. Russian
AusgabeAusg. Spanishedicióned.
Italianedizioneed. Swedishupplagauppl.

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2. Terms indicating revision

LanguageTermAbbreviation LanguageTermAbbreviation
Czech:doplnné Polish:dopenione
pehlédnuté poprawionepopr.
pepracované przejrzane
Dutch:bewerkte przerobioneprzerob.
herziene rozszerzonerozsz.
omgewerkte uporzdkowane
verbeterde uzupenioneuzup.
vermeerderde Portug.:acrescentada
French:augmentéeaugm. actualizada
corrigéecorr. ampliada
mise à jour aumentadaaum.
nouvellenouv. corrigidacorr.
refonduerev. melhorada
revision refundida
revuerev. revistarev.
German:aktualisierte revizadarev.
durchgesehene Russian:
neu bearbeitete
revidierterevid. Spanish:actualizada
verbesserteverb. adicionada
vermehrteverm. aumentadaaum.
Italian:ampliata corregidacorr.
con aggiunte revisadarev.
con correzioni Swedish:bearbetad
correttacorr. kompletterad
rivedutariv. ny
Latin:auctior omarbetadomarb.
complectior revideradrev.
correctiorcorr. utökad
emendatior utvidgad

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3. Terms for "printing" or unchanged text

LanguageTerm LanguageTerm
Czech:nezmnné Latin:typis
Dutch:druk Polish:druk
herdruk przedruk
onveranderde Portug.:impressão
French: ... édition conforme à la ... édition reimpressão
impression Spanish:impresión
réimpression reimpresión
German:Druck reimprimir
Nachdruck Swedish:oförandrad
unveränderte oförkortad
unveränderte Auflage omtryck

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WORKING VERSION, 29 April 1994; rev. 22 July 1997

HTML document last reviewed:  1 May 1998