Editions and Printings:  Matching Editions

Part I. B.

Places of publication

(See also Part II.B.1 on editing places of publication)

Document sections

Part I. B. 1.Single place of publication
Part I. B. 2.Multiple places of publication
Part I. B. 3.Missing places of publication
Part I. B. 4.Place on label

If all other elements of the record match the piece:

  1. Single place of publication

  2. Multiple places of publication

    If either the record or the item include multiple places of publication, as long as one of the places in the item is present in the record, the record may be a match. For example, if the piece lists London and New York but the UKM record 260 a subfield includes only London, there is a match. (Note that this guideline applies regardless of whether the item catalogued by the British library only includes London or that item lists both cities but the British cataloguer only included London in the record.)

  3. Missing places of publication

    The lack of a place of publication in the piece or in the record does not prevent a match if all other elements match.

  4. Place on label

    See section I.C.4., "Publisher on label."

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Go to Document sections

Part I. Introduction
Part I. A.Edition statements Part I. E.Physical description
Part I. B. Places of publication Part I. F. Series statements
Part I. C. Publishers Part I. G.Multivolume titles
Part I. D.Dates Part I. H.Photocopies and microforms of books

HTML document last reviewed:  21 January 2000