Item Record:  Pieces Count

General procedures

  1. When multiple separate pieces are housed within 1 physical volume, change the piece count in the item record to equal the number of separate pieces.
  2. Do not count a container for nonprint media.  Do count:

E.g.    An outer box housing 3 audio CDs, each in its own jewel-box container.

E.g.    An outer cardboard sleeve enclosing a folded DVD container that includes 2 DVD discs.

  1. In the item record Fulfillment note field, add:

PIECES: <list of pieces and counts of each>

Please spell out "PIECES:" in upper-case letters.



Pieces count

Item record note

1 DVD case containing 1 DVD and 1 insert


PIECES: 1 DVD + 1 insert

1 audio CD box containing 3 CDs, each in its own jewel-box container, and 1 insert


PIECES: 3 Audio CDs + 1 insert + 1 outer box

1 score consisting of a bound-in score and 1 part in a pocket


PIECES: 1 score + 1 part

1 score consisting of a bound-in score and 5 parts in a pocket


PIECES: 1 score + 5 parts

1 book containing 4 microfiche in a pocket


PIECES: 1 book + 4 fiche

1 book for Jazz (which keeps accompanying material with the main piece) containing 1 audio CD in a pocket


PIECES: 1 book + 1 Audio CD

1 “kit”, consisting of an outer case, 4 DVDs, 1 CD-ROM, and 1 print user’s guide


PIECES: 4 DVDs + 1 CD-ROM + 1 guide

Pieces count not used:

·         1 videotape container with 1 tape, no insert

·         1 book issued with 1 CD-ROM that is being moved to a separate container

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