Distinctive Features of UKM Copy:
Including Upgraded UKM

Document sections

Introduction to document Typical features:  problems and solutions


This document lists some of the elements and features of UKM copy that are different from those of most OCLC records.  While we follow the standard “Full-Level OCLC-Member Editing Guidelines (Books Format)” in working with UKM copy, below are some features to be aware of, along with the appropriate treatment of each.


UKM = UKMARC — records provided through the British Library, converted to USMARC and loaded by LC.  Most records are catalogued by the British Library (the national library); some by other British libraries.  (Increasingly, other British libraries do or will contribute independently to OCLC or PCC.)

British Library:

Other upgrading libraries may or may not change what the British Library has done in each area of the record.  (Note: Some British libraries other than the national British Library do provide complete LC call numbers and LCSH.)

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Typical features:  problems and solutions:

Description Subject cataloguing
Access points related to description Other


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Access points related to description

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Subject cataloguing

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Draft, 14 December 1999; rev. draft 14 February 2000

HTML document last reviewed:  14 February 2000