Select Bibliography

Select Bibliography of User Surveys


-- Avery, Christine and Diane Zabel. "Gathering Client Data:
What Works? Total Quality Management in Academic Libraries: Initial Implementation Efforts." Proceedings from the International Conference on TQM and Academic Libraries (Washington, D.C., April 20-22, 1994).

-- Bearman, David. "User Presentation Language in Archives."
Archives & Museum Informatics 3/4 (Winter 1989/90): 3-7.

-- Bearman, David. Archival Methods Pittsburgh: Archives and Museum Informatics,

-- Beattie, Diane L. "An Archival User Study: Researchers
in the Field of Women's History." Archivaria 29 (Winter 1989/90) : 33-50.

-- Blais, Gabrielle and David Enns. "From Paper Archives to People
Archives: Public Programming in the Management of Archives." in Canadian Archival Studies and the Rediscovery of Provenance. Ed. Tom Nesmith. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press. 1993. 443-459.

-- Borgman, Christine L., Donald Owen Case and Dorothy L.
Ingebretsen. "University faculty use of computerized databases: an assessment of needs and resources." Online Review 9(Aug.'85): 307-32.

-- Bosman, Ellen. "Creating the User-Friendly Library by
Evaluating Patron Perception of Signage." Reference Services Review 25 no 1 (1997): 71-82.

-- Bosman, Ellen.

-- Bourdieu, Pierre. "The Cult of Unity and Cultivated Difference." In Pierre Bourdieu, et al. Photography: A
Middle Brow Art. 1965. Trans. Shaun Whiteside. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1990. 13-72.

-- Bove, Joann C. and James Tumolo. "Market research:
a key component in developing products that meet customers' needs." National Online Meeting (15th: 1994: New York, NY.)

-- Bradsher, James Gregory, ed. Managing Archives
and Archival Institutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

-- Brekke, Eliane, Comp. User Surveys in ARL Libraries.
SPEC Kit 205. Washington: ARL Publications Department, 1994.

-- Bush, Earl and others. "Needs Assessment Program, the
Univeristy of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries 1993/94." Univeristy of Tennessee Knoxville, 1994.

-- Center, Clark. "Manuscript Collections in Alabama:
Who Uses Them? Why? And Under What Terms?." The Alabama Archivist 19:2 (Spring 1996): 1-3.

-- "The Chicago Public Library: a priorities needs
assessment study; a project of the Chicago Public Library Foundation, November 1987-December 1988." Carroll Group, 1989.

-- Cohen, Laura B., ed. Reference Series for Archives
and Manuscripts. New York: Haworth, 1997.

-- Conway, Paul. "Facts and Frameworks: An Approach to
Studying the Use of Archives." American Archivist 49 (Fall 1986): 393-408.

-- Conway, Paul. Partners in Research: Improving Access
to the Nation's Archive: User Studies at the National Archives and Records Administration. Pittsburgh: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1994.

-- Conway, Paul. "Research in Presidential Libraries: A User
Survey." Midwestern Archivist 11 (1986): 35-56.

-- Cook, Terry. "Viewing the World Upside Down" Reflections on the Theoretical
Underpinnings of Archival Public Programming." Archivaria 31 (Winter 1990-1991): 123-134.

-- Cox, Richard J. "Archivists and the Use of Archival Records; or, a View from
the World of Documentary Editing." Provenance 9 (1991) 89-110.

-- Cox, Richard J. "Researching Archival Reference as an
Information Function: Observations on Needs and Opportunities." RQ 31 (Spring 1992): 387-97.

-- Crawford, John C. "The Stakeholder Approach to the
Construction of Performance Measures." Paper presented at the Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Informational Services, 1995.

-- D'Andraia, Frank A. "The business of libraries is
staying in business." Journal of Library Administration 20 (1994): 81-91.

-- Davidson, Janice L. and Estelle R. Alexander. "Assessing
information needs: what do customers want?" Information for management, Special Libs. Assn., 1994.

-- Dearstyne, Bruce W. "A Sample Long-Range Plan and A
Sample Annual Plan." The Archival Enterprise: Modern Archival Principles, Practices, and Management Techniques. Chicago: American Library Association, 1992.

-- Dervin, Brenda and Michael Nilan. "Information Needs
and Uses." Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) 21 (1986): 3-33.

-- Dowler, Lawrence. "The Role of Use in Defining
Archival Practice and Principles: A Research Agenda." American Archivist 51 (Winter and Spring 1988): 74-86.

-- Doyle, Christine. "The Perceptions of Library Service
Questionnaire (PLSQ): The Development of a Reliable Instrument to Measure Student Perceptions of and Satisfaction with Quality Service in an Academic Library." The New Review of Academic Librarianship 1 (1995): 139-59.

-- Ellis, David. "A Behavioral Approach to Information
Retrieval System Design." Journal of Documentation 45 (September 1989): 171-212.

-- Forde, Helen and Rosemary Seton, eds. Archivists
and Researchers: Mutual Perceptions and Requirements. London: Society of Archivists and the British Records Association, 1994.

-- Freeman, Elsie T. "Soap and Education: Archival Training, Public Service and
the Profession--an Essay." Midwestern Archivist 16 (1991): 87-94.

-- Grabowski, John J. "Keepers, Users and Funders: Building an Awareness
of Archival Value." American Archivist 55 (1992): 464-472.

-- Goggin, Jacqueline. "The Indirect Approach: A Study
of Scholarly Users of Black and Women's Organizational Records in the Library of Congress Manuscript Division." Midwestern Archivist 11 (1986): 57-67.

-- Gordon, Ann D. Using the Nation's Documentary Heritage: The Report of the
Historical Documents Study Washington, DC: National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 1992.

-- Gray, Ann S. and Geraci, Diane. "Complex Reference Services: Data Files for Social
Research." Reference Librarian 48 (1995) 137-140.

-- Harris,Donald E. "Reassessing User Needs." Journal
of the American Society for Information Science 45 (June 1994): 331-4.

-- Haycock, Ken. "On jargon (ways in which we confuse
or alienate our clients)." Program Advocacy. Libraries Unlimited, 1990.

-- Heald, Carolyn A. "Reference Services in Archives: Wither a Professional Ethos?"
Canadian Library Journal 49 (1992): 353-359.

-- Hernon, Peter. "Service quality in libraries and
treating users as customers and non-users as lost or never-gained customers." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 22 (May '96): 171-2.

-- Hoadley, Irene Braden. "Customer service? Not
really." College & Research Libraries News 3 (Mar. '95): 175-6.

-- Hollis, Deborah R. "Family History in early U.S. state documents." Journal of Government Information. 23
(Nov. '00).

-- Ivey, Robert T. "Teaching Faculty Perceptions
of Academic Librarians at Memphis State Univeristy." College and Research Libraries 55 (Jan.1994): 69-82.

-- Jackson, Susan McEnally. "Reference education and the new
technology." The Reference Librarian 25-26 (1989): 541-55.

-- Jardine, Caroline. "Maybe the 55% Rule Doesn't Tell the
Whole Story: A User-Satifaction Survey." College & Research Times 56 (November 1995): 447-85.

-- Jax, John J. "Library Awareness/User/Needs Assessment.
Parts I, II, and III." University of Wisconsin, 1984.

-- Jimerson, Randall C. "Redefining Archival Identity: Meeting User Needs in the
Information Society." American Archivist 52 (1989): 332-340.

-- Kleiner, Janellyn Pickering and Charles A. Hamaker.
"Libraries 2000: Transforming Libraries Using Document Delivery, Needs Assessment, and Networked Resources." College & Research Libraries 58 (July 1997): 355-74.

-- Kniffel, Leonard. "Libraries aren't bookstores, and
patrons aren't customers." American Libraries 28 (Aug. Ô97): 38.

-- Lawton, Bethany. "Library Instruction Needs Assessment:
Designing Survey Instruments." Research Strategies 7 (Summer 1989): 119-28.

-- LeClercq, Angie. "The academic library/high school library
connection: needs assessment and proposed model." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 12 (March '86): 12-18.

-- LeDuc, Carol. "Targeting services to users: personnel needs
and gaps." Minnesota Libraries 28 (Autumn '86): 218-20.

-- Leonard, Thomas M. "Archivists & Genealogists: The Trend
Toward Peaceful Coexistence." Archival Issues 18 (2); 93 : 121-32.

-- Lewis, Alison M. "Geoscience information: user needs and
library organization." Geoscience Information Society Meeting (21st: 1986: San Antonio, Tex.).

-- Long, Linda J. "Question Negotiation in the Archival Setting: The Use of
Interpersonal Communication Techniques in the Reference Interview." American Archivist 52 (1989): 40-50.

-- Lytle, Richard H. "Intellectual Access to Archives: I.
Provenance and Content Indexing Methods of Subject Retrieval." American Archivist 43 (Winter 1980): 64-75.

-- Lytle, Richard H. "Intellectual Access to Archives: II.
Report of an Experiment Comparing Provenance and Content Indexing Methods of Subject Retrieval." American Archivist 43 (Spring 1980): 191-205.

-- MacMullin, Susan E. and Robert S. Taylor. "Problem Dimensions
and Information Traits." The Information Society 3 (1984): 91-111.

-- Mahler, William J. The Management of College and
University Archives. Metuchen, N.J.: Society of American Archivists and Scarecrow, 1992.

-- Mahler, William J. "The Use of User Studies." Midwestern
Archivist 11 (1986): 17.

-- Malbin, Susan L. "The Reference Interview in Archival
Literature." College & Research Libraries 58 (Jan. 1997) 69-80.

-- Mandernack, Scott B. "An Assessment of Education and
Training Needs for Bibliographic Instruction Librarians." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 30 (Winter 1990): 193-205.

-- Michelson, Avra. "Research Trends: Introduction." American Archivist
57 (1994) 110-113.

-- Michelson, Avra and Rothenberg, Jeff. "Scholarly Communication and
Information Technology: Exploring the Impact of Changes in the Research Process on Archives." American Archivist 55 (1992) : 235-315.

-- Mick, Colin K., George H. Lindsey, and Daniel Callahan.
"Toward Usable User Studies." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 35 (September 1980): 347-56.

-- Miller, Fredric. "Use, Appraisal and Research: A Case Study of Social History."
American Archivist 49 (1986): 371-392.

-- Morgan, Steve. "How Well Are We Doing? Common Themes
and Possible Solutions in Academic Libraries." Paper presented at the Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1995.

-- "National Library of New Zealand: marketing and
information needs assessment." New Zealand Libraries 45 (June 1988): 211-25.

-- Nesmith, Tom. "Introduction: Archival Studies in English-Speaking Canada and North
American Rediscovery of Provenance." Canadian Archival Studies and the Rediscovery of Provenance. Ed. Tom Nesmith. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1993. 20-22.

-- Newhouse, Robert C. "A library essential: needs
assessment." Library Review (Glasgow, Scotland) 39 (1990): 33-6.

-- Orbach, Barbara C. "The View from the Researcher's Desk: Historians' Perceptions
of Research and Repositories." American Archivist 54 (1994): 28-43.

-- Palmquist, Ruth Ann and George M. Sinkankas. "Client needs
without clients: can we understand information needs without clients present to explain them?" American Society for Information Science. Annual Meeting (54th: 1991: Washington, D.C.) ASIS '91.

-- Pugh, Mary Jo. Providing Reference Services for Archives
and Manuscripts. Chicago, Il.: Society of American Archivists, 1992.

-- Rice, James. "Library Awareness Survey." Public Libraries
31 (Nov/Dec 1992): 347-50.

-- Rowley, Jennifer E. "Knowing your customers." Aslib
Proceedings 49 (Mar. '97): 64-6.

-- Rushinek, Avi and Sara F. Rushinek. "The effects of
communiation moniters on user satisfaction." Information Processing & Management 22 (1986): 345-51.

-- Russell, Ralph E., Carolyn Love Robinson, and James E. Prather.
"External User Access to Academic Libraries in Urban/Metropolitan Areas." Academic Libraries in Urban and Metropolitan Areas . Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1992.

-- Ruth, Janice E. "Educating the Reference Archivist." American Archivist
51 (1988): 266-276.

-- Sandy, John H. "By any other name, they're still our
customers." American Libraries 28 (Aug.'97): 43-5.

-- Saunders-McMaster, Laverna. "Opportunity 2000--understanding
and serving users in an electronic library (book review)." Library Resources & Technical Services 38 (Jan. '94): 101.

-- Schloman, Barbara F. "Multifaceted assessment of facility
needs in an academic library." Journal of Library Administration 12 (1990): 9-21.

-- "Science Library User Survey Report," University of
California, Santa Cruz. Univeristy of Santa Cruz, 1994.

-- Spindler, Robert P. and Pearce-Moses, Richard. "Does AMC Mean 'Archives
Made Confusing'?: Patron Understanding of USMARC AMC records." American Archivist 56 (1993): 330-341.

-- Stevens, Mark. "Measuring Reference Service Quality." New
Zealand Archivist (Winter/June
1994): 1-5.

-- Sullivan, Patricia A. and Peggy Seidan. "Educating online
catalog users: the protocol assessment of needs." Library Hi Tech 3/2 (1985): 11-19.

-- Taylor, Robert S. "Information Use Environments."
Progress in Communication Sciences edited by Brenda Dervin, Vol. 10 Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1991: 217-53.

-- Thompson, Ann R. "Special Libraries Association membership
needs assessment survey." Special Libraries 83 (Winter '92): 32-50.

-- Tibbo, Helen R. "The Epic Struggle: Subject Retrieval from Large
Bibliographic Databases." American Archivist 57 (1994) 310-326.

-- Torok, Andrew G., and Jitka M Hurych. "End user online
searching among university faculty." ASIS '86 (1986).

-- Turnbaugh, Roy C. "Archival Mission and User Studies." Midwestern Archivist
9 (1986): 27-33.

-- Verhoeven, Stanley M. "User Surveys." Encyclopedia of
Library and Information Science 45:10 New York: Dekker, 1990.

-- Watson, Mark and others. "Twenty Years of Undergraduate
Libraries: Whence and Whither?" College and Undergraduate Libraries 3 (1996): 11-25.

-- Webster, Keith G. "The Use of IT in Library Evaluation:
Electronic Surveying at the University of Newcastle." Paper presented at the Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1995.

-- Whalen, Lucille (Ed.). "Reference Services in Archives." Reference Librarian
13 (1985-1986).

-- Widdows, Richard, et al. "The Focus Group Interview:
A Method for Assessing Users' Evaluation of Library Service." College and Research Libraries 52: 4 (July 1991): 352-9.

-- Widener, Michael. "The Status of Users in Archival
Enterprise." Provenance 9/1-2 (1991): 1-23.

-- Wilson, Thomas D. "Information for business: the business
of information." Aslib Proceedings 39 (Oct. '87): 275-9.

-- Yakel, Elizabeth and Laura L. Bost. "Understanding Administrative
Use and Users in University Archives." The American Archivist 57 (Fall 1994): 596-615.

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