Brain and Behavior
Psychology 347
Fall 1999

Internet Exercise

This is an exercise that can be completed by using the World Wide Web, which is accessible from computers at Tulane's Computer Center. Turn in your answers to Dr. Wee at the final exam. The answers should be typed or printed neatly. This exercise will be worth 5 points of the final exam.

Go to Dr. Wee's web site for Brain & Behavior :
If you start out with Tulane's home page, all you need to do is add ~bwee/psyc347.html to the Location line.

Scan through Dr. Wee's syllabus. Note that some of the names that are listed are underlined and appear in blue (or some color other than black). If you click on these names, you will be "linked" to other Web Sites, which will let you answer these questions !

To answer the first question, go to the link Society for Research on Biological Rhythms. Click on The Scientist on Biological Rhythms to answer question #1a.

1a. Name the three researchers whose photographs are included in the article.

Return to the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms home page (or to the 347 home page) and go to the link for the NSF Center for Biological Timing. You will need to follow a link or two to answer the next question :

1b. Where is the Center for Biological Timing located ?

For some fun, try the "Owl and Lark Test" !

Return to the Psyc 347 web site. Click on the link Sleep Disorders, and read the introduction to that web site.

2a. How many Americans suffer from sleep disorders ?
2b. What are these sleep disorders ?

Return to the Psyc 347 web site. Go to the link Use of Animals in Research.

3a. What is the name of the organization that sponsors this web site ?
3b. Write down one question and its answer.

Return to the Psyc 347 web site. Go to the link Society for Neuroscience.
From this homepage, go to the link Brain Briefings

4a. What is the title of the Brain Briefings listed under the heading "Emotions" ?
4b. What is the title of the Brain Briefings listed under the heading "Gender" ?
(These are interesting. Read them !)

Go back to the Society for Neuroscience Homepage and click on the Journal of Neuroscience.
(You also can get there from the Psyc 347 web site !)
There is an article in the Oct. 1, 1998 issue written by Dr. Fred Davis and his collaborator.

5a. What is the volume # and pages and the full title of this article ?
5b. Where was this research done ?

return to Brain & Behavior Syllabus