Every student is expected to attend every lab session.  You cannot expect to do well in this course if you don't attend class.  Before leaving class you must have your work checked by your instructor in order to receive (attendance = class participation) credit for that day's lab. Leaving lab before you complete your assignment (or without the instructor's approval) will result in no credit for that day's lab. If you miss a lab session the work cannot be made up! However, you are strongly encouraged to complete the missed assignment since you will be held responsible for all material covered during this course on the final exam.  Assignments should be completed on the lab manual. Assignments not done on the manual will not be graded and will receive no credit.  Students who do not have their lab manuals or the materials required would not be able to do the lab.  You will receive a zero for that lab.  If you have MORE THAN 2 ABSENCES (regardless of whether or not you make up the work) YOU WILL FAIL this class.
*NOTE:  If you cannot come to your lab section because an EMERGENCY, please attend one of the other lab sections that week (check the CALENDAR).  INFORM your regular instructor, and ASK the INSTRUCTOR of the other lab if there is room in the lab for you to participate.  Make sure that they are working on the same lab 
(and quiz) you missed. Not applicable for the last  lab of the cycle or for Summer Session (See Calendar).    

A quiz or test will be given at the beginning of each lab period. Quizzes will cover the material from the previous lab and the material for that day's lab session. Once the instructor calls time all quizzes or tests will be picked up regardless of when you started. No quizzes or tests will be given out once time is called. Missed quizzes
CANNOT be made up. Two of your lowest quiz grades will be dropped.

All projects are due on the assigned date regardless of whether or not you attend that day's lab.  Late projects will be accepted at a penalty of minus 10% per day.  If you are late you have to personally hand it in to YOUR INSTRUCTOR (no exceptions).  No projects will be accepted after the instructor has corrected and graded them.  Students are responsible for doing their own work even if they “work together”. If two projects are turned in that
show great similarity such that the instructor interprets it as evidence of cheating, both will be penalized. 

Students must wait in the hall until the laboratory door is open.  Students will then be admitted to the lab, and instructions for the exam procedures will be given.  Students who arrive after the instructions for the exam have been given will NOT be allowed to take the exam, and will receive a zero. Please be on time!   You can only take
this exam in your own section.   The Mineral and Rock ID Exam CANNOT be made up.

The final exam is obligatory.  If you don't take it you will receive an F for the class. Students who are absent from the final examination will be given permission to take a make up examination only if an acceptable excuse is presented to the appropriated dean's office before the exam or 24 hours after the exam.  A student whose absence is excused will be assigned and incomplete grade "I" and given a make-up examination. A student whose absence from the final examination is not excused will be given an "F" in the course. You can only take the final exam in your own section.

Students are expected to maintain adult behavior at all times.  Talking (private conversations) or any other behavior which disrupts the lecture, or disturbs other students or distract the instructor (loud whispering, note passing, or reading the newspaper, for example), may result in your being asked to change your seat, or to leave the room (you will get a zero for the lab).  Any behavior deemed disruptive and inappropriate for class will not be tolerated.  CELLULAR PHONES should be TURNED OFF for the duration of the lab.  NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES are allowed in the lab room.

You are expected to read and abide by the Honor Code.  Academic dishonesty (cheating) will not be tolerated.  Cheating (any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead the instructor in arriving at an honest grade assessment) includes (among other things), use of unauthorized papers during a quiz or an exam (no matter what the content), copying from another student's paper during a quiz or exam, unauthorized access of old exams, paying someone to write a paper or to do a project for you, or leaving a test or exam without permission before turning in your paper.  Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves presenting as one's work the ideas or work of others.  Research materials must be
properly cited.

If you have a disability, which might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at Educational Resources and Counseling Services [ ].  Obtain a Course Accommodation Form from ODS at the beginning of the semester and notify your instructor of your need for accommodations as soon as possible, preferably during the first two weeks of classes.


Updated January 21, 2007